
I'm Kyle Hutzler - a sixteen year old highly interested in business, economics, and finance. Over the past two years, I've spent upwards of 200 hours working on a policy paper on education reform. My original intentions with this paper - completed independently - were simply to make the most of my perverse sense of fun. Along the way, I happened to learn of the Davidson Fellowship - a scholarship for gifted high-school students.

It was from here that I began to redirect the work for submission - garnering the support of professionals close to home and around the country. In July 2008, I learned that I was selected as a 2008 Fellow and was honored to attend the awards ceremony at the Library of Congress in September. Here you will find the portfolio as submitted in March 2008.
- Fall 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Où est le dénoûment?

The portfolio and application materials were Priority-mailed to the Fellowship in Reno, Nevada on Monday; today, I received confirmation from the USPS of their arrival and am waiting for a similar confirmation from the Fellowship . It feels great to have brought this paper to fruition - for now, my work is limited to checking with my advisers to ensure that their necessary forms have been sent by deadline. I'll continue to post updates on the project and scholarship. More than ever, I appreciate your comments, your insights - and your luck! kah

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